
We encourage all members from 5 years to ladies, to participate in the BJP individual and team competitions. Every competitor is valued and nurtured to perform, gaining a medallion of accomplishment. Competitions promote self-esteem, confidence, sportsmanship and lifetime friendships!
These are fun friendly competitions held in August each year, where the host club invites approximately six other clubs to compete and all competitors are awarded a medal. They are family-friendly and give the girls a chance to perform their routines in a respectful encouraging environment before the official BJP competitions take place. Our club always chooses at least one or two away Interclubs each year. These competitions held in our country NSW towns are a great way to enjoy a family weekend away and are a true reflection of the forever blossoming club spirit.
Zone Competitions
Our club competes in the BJP Northern Zone competitions held annually in early September. Girls compete in individual age groups against other clubs in the zone. Approximately 15 girls are chosen for the final and 5 places are awarded. The zone placegetters then compete at Nationals held at the Quay Centre in November. Girls who make the final at Zone but do not get a place, qualify for Repechage. If one of five places are gained this gives the competitor a second chance to compete at Nationals.
Team Competitions
Teams consist of 8 members of a similar age and are for all girls from 5 years to Ladies. These 8 team girls and ladies practice the syllabus together with particular importance on timing and formations. BJP team competitions are usually held in November each year at the Quay Centre in Homebush. Girls and ladies who are part of a team are expected to attend twice-weekly classes for the team competition.
Club Competition
To finish off the year we have our own PPC Club Competition, where girls compete with our members of the same age group. It is a fun day for the whole family with a BBQ lunch, raffles and lucky door prizes drawn throughout the day. Following the Club Competition, we have our Medal March past for girls to proudly wear all their medals, followed by Presentation of teacher awards and a family dinner.